Discover How To Get Classified Ads Giant "GUMTREE" Paying For Your Ads Around The Internet - Totally FREE!
Yes it's really true... I made GumTree pay for my ads on big sites like Yahoo 7.
But on top of it all, I realised GumTree was also sending free leads and enquiries to my business and after applying one of our Secret Sauce SEO strategies Google decided to even send us some love.
And of course, I'll share all the details with you in a minute, but first, let me back up real quick and tell you how all this came about.
As you probably know if you're one of my subscribers, we work closely with business owners all around Australia, to not only help them build Websites That Sell, but also Increase Website Traffic build traffic assets around the Internet which drive leads to their business and sites.
So let's back up a few days...
It was late afternoon just about half an hour shy of knock-off time.
Before I finished for the day I wanted to build one more traffic asset for a client of ours.
So I decided to build a GumTree one, as it literally takes less than 10 minutes to build one of these when you know what you're doing.
And as it turned out, I ended up setting this traffic asset up so quickly I still had about 25 minutes left before home time.
So I thought... why not catch up on an episode of Criminal Minds on the Yahoo 7 site?
Yes, I occasionally have a break too... don't judge me, please... I hardly ever watch TV so when I finish my work early it's my way of rewarding myself... and it's a good show... PLUS this is my blog I don't need to justify my preference of TV shows - right?
Wow... that escalated quickly! Pardon my outburst there...
I'm back! Over that little rant... let's get back to the GumTree Strategy.
Anyway, where was I... yes that's right... I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds.
Now, as I started playing the show an ad in the bottom right-hand corner of the site caught my attention.
You've probably seen the ads on the big TV and Magazine sites.
They are part of the Google display network or other display network online advertising companies. It's actually a great way to advertise and something we offer to our clients as well.
However what made me look twice this time around was that Classified Ad Giant GumTree actually posted an ad of our clients business!
That's right have a look below, I've circled in red the client's ad which is displayed on this high traffic website - totally FREE.

Now the first thing I thought was... I must have gotten lucky here!
So I went back and set up another ad for the SEO side of our business.
Then a few hours later on I went back to the Yahoo 7 site - and what do you know, it worked like a charm - again!
GumTree was showing my newly created ad as well.

Now I'll be straight here...
Is this going to be life-changing traffic?
But remember initially we only set up this traffic asset to syphon some organic traffic from the actual GumTree site... but what I discovered that afternoon was that on top of the actual site traffic they are also showing these ads around the Internet... and when on top of all this we apply our Google strategy, where our ads start showing up on the first page of Google... this is a quick and easy... rather powerful strategy.
So if that caught your attention, get ready... Because I've got something extra special for you 🙂
I've put together a FREE guide that not only walks you through step by step how we set up our free classified ads on GumTree... but it will also walk you through exactly how we get these ads to show up on the first page of Google to drive additional traffic.
You can access all this information totally free by downloading the guide below.
Simply click on the image of the guide and it'll open up in your browser.
Alternatively, if you want to save the guide to your computer, make sure you right-click and press "save as" and save the document to your computer.

Make sure you take action on this, download the guide right now and start driving additional traffic with this quick and easy very cheap traffic strategy.
I hope you have enjoyed this informative post.
Make sure you leave a comment below if you enjoyed the information and have any questions or comments in regards to the GumTree Ads Crack Strategy.
For now, I'm out.